DonorSearch and Virtuous Partnership

Virtuous Partnership Transcript

Erik Tomalis, Chief Evangelist, Virtuous: 

“DonorSearch has been a fantastic partner in the nonprofit space. Just leading edge on wealth screening and all things AI, which has enabled us to have the best in class CRM and be able to have nonprofits grow a part of that with that native integration.

My name is Erik Tomalis. I’m with Virtuous. Virtuous is the full service fundraising technology platform – best in class across all different channels. We have the same intentions for the industry, where we both want to do good. And so that’s a great opportunity to partner alongside DonorSearch. 

I remember when I was in the nonprofit space, I used DonorSearch for my capital campaigns and my nonprofit and different systems that we were doing. The minute that we pulled a wealth screening, you know, on July 1 to be able to get into a feasibility study, on July 2 that data was already, right? Because data is important for our nonprofits. And having the ability to be able to comprehensively say DonorSearch and Virtuous through automation and wealth screen immediately, we have best-in-class, immediate, up to date information about our donors to help our nonprofits grow.

The neat thing of DonorSearch integrating with Virtuous is it has the ability to look at the traditional side of saying, ‘Hey, if this donor has income producing assets over x, and they just donated y, our CEO is going to make a phone call. Or whatever it might be. And I think that is the way that it helps nonprofits. 

Our customers, every single on of them, I would probably say 80 percent – there’s a good amount of customers utilizing DonorSearch and they love the ability to be able to do that.

I absolutely would recommend it.”

To learn more about the DonorSearch and Virtuous integration, visit

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