Four Steps for Establishing a Planned Giving Program

This session will examine ways to identify, cultivate, and solicit planned giving prospects as well as the stewardship of planned giving donors. In the process of doing so, the following questions will be answered: How much planned gift income might your organization realize? Who are your best planned giving prospects? How and when should planned giving prospects be cultivated? How and when should planned giving prospects be solicited? What can be done to steward planned giving donors? About Our Presenter: Tom Giddens has worked for various institutions of higher education in the area of development, including service as the chief development officer at two institutions of higher education, including one with a campus and fundraising program based in London, as well as the Director of Planned Giving at a major university. He has also served as the chief development officer for a major orchestra and the fifth largest performing arts center in the US. He has provided consulting services in the area of fundraising since 1998 to various public and private, small and large arts, cultural, social service, environmental and educational non profits with local, national and international constituencies.

Additional Resources

Video camera in the background with a profile pictures of Kelly Velasquez-Hague and Sarah Sebastian

Fundraising Event Marketing Tips to Bridge the Generational Divide

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Video camera in the background with a profile picture of Kenna Barrett

Persuasive Conversations for Introverts

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How Non-Profits (Already) Use DonorSearch to Re-Energize Prior Donors

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